Freelancing offers the flexibility and autonomy to work on your own terms. However, it also comes with the uphill struggle of managing your finances effectively. Dukka, a powerful financial tracking tool, is built to seamlessly simplify this process and help you properly stay on top of your income and expenses.

For freelancers, here are some of the numerous reasons to download and sign up to the Dukka app today:

Key Benefits of Dukka for Freelancers:

  • Income Tracking: Easily record your earnings from various projects, clients, and sources. Dukka‘s intuitive interface makes it simple to categorise and track your income streams.
  • Expense Management: Keep track of your business expenses, including equipment, supplies, software, and marketing costs. Dukka allows you to create custom categories and assign tags for better organisation.
  • Tax Preparation: Dukka can help you prepare for tax season by providing a clear overview of your income and expenses. You can easily export your financial data to your accountant or tax software.
  • Invoicing: Create and send professional invoices to your clients directly from Dukka. Customise your invoices with your branding and track their payment status easily.

How to Use Dukka Effectively:

  1. Set Up Your Account: Create a Dukka account and customise your settings to match your freelancing business.
  2. Track Income: Record your income from each project or client, including the date, amount, and description.
  3. Categorise Expenses: Create categories for your business expenses and assign them to your transactions.
  4. Create Invoices: Generate professional invoices for your clients and track their payment status.
  5. Stay Organized: Regularly review and update your financial records to ensure accuracy.

Download the Dukka app for ios or for android today and see the difference exceptional customer service can make in your Nigerian business!


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