Receipts are digital!: Customize and send your branded receipts to your customers digitally with the Dukka app.

Imagine a customer patronises your small business, makes payment, and within seconds they get an alert on their phone! This time, it’s not just a debit alert, it’s a receipt of purchase that carries your business name, logo, brand colour etc. This is a feature you can only get on the Dukka app! 

This is a win for you! You get to impress your customers, you and your customers have your receipts saved digitally for future reference, you get to save a new customer’s details on the app, save the environment, everything is safe and secure! Big Win!  

Dukka’s digital receipts are sleek, professional, and eco-friendly. But they’re so much more than just a digital version of a paper record. They’re a powerful branding tool tucked neatly into every transaction.

Here’s why your business needs a Dukka’s custom receipts:

  • Effortless Setup: No graphic design degree needed! In just a few clicks, you can incorporate your logo, business name, and contact details into a receipt template that reflects your brand’s unique personality.
  • Eco-Friendly: Mother Nature (and your wallet) will thank you. Say goodbye to wasted paper and hello to a sustainable business practice that your customers will appreciate.
  • Super Convenient: No more scrambling for a pen or printer. Dukka generates receipts automatically, saving you precious time. And for your customers? Gone are the days of crumpled receipts stuffed in wallets. Digital receipts are easily saved on their phones, accessible for future reference with a tap.
  • Subtle (or Not-So-Subtle) Brand Advocacy: Every receipt is a mini-advertisement for your business. Include a special offer to incentivize repeat purchases, announce an upcoming event to generate buzz, or simply express your gratitude to customers with a personalized message.

The Dukka Advantage:

Dukka’s digital receipt allows you to design a template that aligns with your brand aesthetic. Include eye-catching visuals, incorporate your brand colours, and craft a message that resonates with your target audience.

Let’s help you leave a lasting impression on your customers. Upgrade your Dukka experience today and join this revolution! Transform your transactions into mini-branding moments that keep your business at the forefront of your customers’ minds.

Download the Dukka app for ios or for android today and see the difference exceptional customer service can make in your Nigerian business!



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